
Help & contribution

  • Need help?
  • Have an issue?
  • Want to share your ideas or tips?
  • Have another question?
    • Email to martin[dot]hajek[at]fsv[dot]cuni[dot]cz. Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Czechia

A guidebook on reproducibility-enhancing strategies used in Requal is available here (Czech language only).

Cite Requal:

Hladík R, Škvrňák M, Fárová N, Hájek M (2023). Requal: Shiny Application for Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis. R package version […].


The application development has been supported by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project n. TL05000054.


Requal is a proud member of the community of free and open source software for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (FOSS CAQDAS). You can explore other similar projects:

  • RQDA - this deserves a special mention as our original source of motivation and inspiration for QDA in R.
  • Taguette - straightforward and collaborative online qualitative coding.
  • QualCoder - feature-rich alternative to proprietary CAQDAS.
  • OpenQDA - open-source collaborative CAQDAS in the cloud.
  • QCoder - lightweight tool for coding text and its further analysis with R.
  • ROCK - R implementation of quantitative ethnography approach to QDA with a focus on reproducibility.
  • Iramuteq - graphical user interface for geometrical text analyses in R.
  • CATMA - annotation and query software tuned for literary and historical documents.